

ISO 31000 Certification


If a company wants to guarantee long-term success, it must have the foresight and capability to stay ahead of its competitors by constantly improving offerings and processes. In addition, they need to be able to take into account unpredictable events to manage risk effectively — That’s why it’s essential to know and understand the ISO 31000 standard and how to integrate it into your risk management strategies.


In this guide, we will look at what ISO 31000 is all about, its benefits, and key components so you can better understand how it works. That way, you can develop an ISO 31000-compliant risk management system that will help you stay at the top of your game in the long run.


What is ISO 31000?


ISO 31000 is an international risk management standard that provides organizations with guidelines to help them develop and implement effective risk management strategies. It helps organizations understand, assess and manage the risks they face to achieve their objectives.


Developed in 2009 by the International Organization for Standardization, ISO 31000 offers an integrated approach to managing risk by guiding how to identify, analyze, evaluate, treat, and monitor risks. It provides a detailed framework for implementing, designing, and maintaining risk management on a company-wide scale. 


By following ISO 31000 standards, businesses can streamline their processes for assessing and mitigating potential risks while improving their overall performance. That way, they can stay competitive in the long run while ensuring their employees’ and customers’ safety and security.


The Latest Version of ISO 31000


In 2018, the ISO made an update to its 31000 risk management standards. It was a major revamp to make them more flexible for companies of all sizes and industries. The new ISO 31000:2018 version details the “effect of uncertainty on objectives.” It emphasizes that unknown risks can have considerable consequences for organizations and their operations if not addressed correctly. Leveraging this newly amplified framework, businesses are now better prepared to create detailed risk management plans that match their unique objectives and goals.


The ISO 31000:2018 update highlights four major changes:


Review the risk management principles, which are the key criteria for success.

Leadership must be placed at the forefront of management to ensure a risk-free organizational culture. It should guarantee that risk management is included in all activities, with governance as its foundation.

Risk management should be seen as an ongoing process requiring continuous refinement and reassessment of strategies, actions, and controls based on newly acquired experiences, knowledge, and data.

Streamlining risk management strategies with a greater emphasis on maintaining an open systems model. 


On their official website, you can learn more about the ISO 31000:2018 risk management standards and its latest revisions.


The Trinity of ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard

The ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management standard comprises three interconnected components: Principles, Framework, and Processes. Let’s look at each and see how they create ISO 31000-compliant risk management systems.

Principles: ISO 31000 includes four risk management principles essential for successful implementation. These include establishing the context, commitment, and communication, understanding the risk, and providing assurance. Each of these principles helps to guide an organization’s approach to risk management.

Framework: ISO 31000 offers a step-by-step framework to understand and manage risk. It includes inputs like objectives, context, and assumptions; activities such as analyzing, evaluating, and monitoring; documents such as risk registers, reports, and policies; and outputs like treatments, plans, and controls. 

Processes: ISO 31000 outlines six key processes that must be followed to create a comprehensive risk management system. These include understanding the organization and its context; establishing the risk management policy; identifying risks; analyzing, evaluating, and treating them; monitoring and reviewing them occasionally; and communicating with stakeholders. 

Combining these three ISO 31000 offers a holistic system for managing risk and mitigating threats.


How To Implement ISO 31000 Risk Management Standards


Implementing ISO 31000 standards in your organization is a multi-step process that will take time, planning, and the right resources. Here’s a quick guide to help you get started:


Understand ISO 31000

Before developing any ISO 31000-compliant risk management system, you must understand what ISO 31000 is and how it works. Make sure all your team members have a good grasp of ISO 31000 and its principles, framework, and processes.


Identify Risks

The next step is to identify risks. This includes looking for internal and external risk sources, understanding the impact of these risks on your organization’s operations, and evaluating their likelihood of occurrence.


Develop Policies

ISO 31000 standards require organizations to establish a risk management policy that outlines the risk management program’s goals, objectives, scope, and responsibilities. This policy should also include a process for monitoring, reviewing, and improving the system over time.

Sample policies include the following:

Risk appetite policy: Sets the acceptable level of risk and defines how much risk the organization is willing to take on. 

Risk assessment policy: Outlines the risk assessment process, including identifying and analyzing them.

Risk treatment policy: Details the process for mitigating risks, including selecting and implementing treatments.

Risk communication policy: Governs how risks should be identified, communicated, and reported.

Risk monitoring policy: Defines how risks should be monitored and reviewed continuously.


Implement ISO 31000

Once you have your policy in place, it’s time to start implementing ISO 31000 risk management standards. ISO 31000 implementation would include the following:

Establishing risk registers: A risk register is a database that records all the risks associated with an organization and provides a structure to analyze and evaluate them. In addition, it also serves as a repository for risk-related information and documents.

Developing controls: ISO 31000 requires organizations to have controls to mitigate risk. Controls should be tailored for each individual risk and could include administrative, physical, or technological measures.

Creating a risk management plan: ISO 31000 requires organizations to develop an overall risk management plan that outlines how the organization will monitor, review and continuously improve the system over time.

Creating reports and dashboards: ISO 31000 requires organizations to document risks and provide regular updates. Reports should be tailored for internal stakeholders, board members, and external parties.


Monitor ISO 31000 Compliance

Finally, ISO 31000 requires organizations to periodically monitor and review their risk management system. This includes:

Regularly assessing new and existing risks.

Evaluating the effectiveness of controls.

Updating reports and dashboards.


The ISO 31000 standard also requires organizations to revisit their risk management policy and ensure it is up-to-date and compliant with ISO 31000.


By following these steps, you can ensure that your organization is ISO 31000 compliant and can make informed decisions regarding managing risk. ISO 31000 risk management standards provide a reliable framework organizations can use to streamline risk management strategies and stay up-to-date with current best practices. 

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Conduct Gap Analysis to find any Shortcomings from the standard requirements.


Policies, procedures, Work Instructions, Evidences, Records, Training


Conduct frequent internal audit and management review meeting.


Apply corrective actions on the identified root cause or shortcomings

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